Sunday, July 08, 2007

Why can't they

In this day and age of technology, why can't they make a biscuit container open like it is supposed to, without all the breath holding and shielded face in anticipation of the inevitable ploooop?

Why do they make the kids little juice containers out of bags that squeeze way to easy and turn a little juice treat into a multicolored water pistol that stains.

Why do they show square foot area on toilet paper labels? My butt isn't shaped in square feet.

Why do the gadgets for your desk that will organize the clutter, wind up making more clutter than you had?

Why does my brain think of such stupid stuff?

later gators.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In this day and age of technology, why can't they make a biscuit container open like it is supposed to...

More to the point: In this day and age, what's a biscuit container? ;-)